Wrong information about pests has been accepted as truth for a significant length of time. Instead of fading away, many of these myths seem to be getting stronger. It’s time to set the record straight on five of these myths about pests which have gone uncorrected.
Bed Bugs Are Attracted to Filth
Many people believe that bed bugs only infest rooms filled with grime and clutter. However, bed bugs are no more likely to plague a dirty motel than a five-star resort. All that bed bugs are after is places where blood is in high supply. Therefore an infestation of bed bugs in a home or hotel does not signify poor sanitation or housekeeping, just bad luck.
Mice Are Invertebrates
The myth that mice do not have backbones come from the fact that mice can seemingly fit through any hole or crevice, no matter how small. Mice do have bones, spine included, however, the smallest bone in their entire body is their skull, which means they can fit through any opening larger than their head. Any home with small gaps is vulnerable to mice breaching the perimeter.
Cockroaches Fear the Light
Since many species of cockroaches scatter when someone enters a room, people believe that cockroaches are afraid of the light. Cockroaches have small hairs on their bodies that act as sensors and can tell when the air movement in a room has changed. When the cockroaches scatter after a person enters a room, it is not because they have turned on the lights, but because the cockroaches have sensed a change in the air of the room. Some species of cockroaches actually prefer lighted areas and will crawl towards activated television screens at night.
Cats Can Keep Rodents Out of Your House
While your family cat might catch the occasional mouse or rat, their hunting abilities are nowhere near effective enough to solve your rodent problems once and for all. Since rodents can squeeze through cracks in the walls and under furniture, they have plenty of places to live and hide from any cats that might be stalking them.
Bees Only Sting Once
Honey bees are the only species of bees for which this myth is true. When Honey bees sting, the stinger remains in the flesh while the bee flies away, leaving behind not only its stinger but its abdomen, digestive tract and large sections of muscle and nervous tissue as well, killing it shortly after. However, every other species of bees, wasps and hornets can sting multiple times.
Pests are mysterious and have a way of being enveloped in myths which refuse to leave. In order to fight pests, false facts about them must be corrected. Contact Advantage Termite and Pest Control with any of your pest related questions.