Kansas City Squirrel Intrusion? Why You Should Contact the Pros Now

squirrel remval kansas city

All it takes is one or two squirrels to get in your home and before too long, you have a squirrel invasion. Squirrels are cute enough scampering around your trees but not in your home.

They can get into very tiny spaces, usually through your attic. Once they get in they can do a lot of damage. They will tear up insulation, chew through wiring, wood, shingles, plastic, and even soft metals. They are looking for a warm, dry place to store food and make nests for their litters which are born in the spring and fall.

Squirrel Intrusion? Why You Should Contact the Pros Now

Squirrels get into your attic, your walls, and even your garage. Removing them and sealing their entrances is the best way to get rid of your squirrel invasion. You may need to hire a Kansas City tree service to help keep tree limbs and branches near or off of your home. If the squirrel population is not controlled, they will continue to chew holes around the exterior of the home to create more entry points

Squirrels Need to be Trapped

Trapping the squirrels is the best way to get rid of them. You don’t want to have to get up in your attic and set traps yourself. The professionals who take care of pests like squirrels have the proper equipment and training to safely remove the squirrels.

They Cause a Lot of Damage

Squirrels can cause extensive damage to the exterior of your home as well as wreak havoc on the interior of your attic. Squirrels have 4 front teeth that never stop growing, they grow about 6 inches per year. Squirrels are constantly chewing on whatever they can find to ground down and maintain a manageable length of teeth. Some of the items they chew on in the attic are wood, air ducts, sheet rock, and wiring. Squirrels cause thousands of house fires a year as a result of damaged wiring.

Location of Entry Point

If left uncontrolled squirrels will continue to crew holes on the exterior of your home to create more entry points.

It’s important that these are located and sealed off to keep the squirrel invasion from happening again. You likely won’t be able to locate all of their entry points so leave it to those who understand how squirrels live.

The professionals will not only be able to remove all the squirrels and their babies, but they can fix it so they don’t come back in again. This will prevent other squirrels from moving in at a later time.

Kansas City Squirrel Removal

You can find more information about squirrel invasions here, or simply contact us directly at Advantage TPC. There are over 200 species of squirrels in the world. In the United States there are only 5 species that can be found. Squirrels can be categorized into 3 types: tree squirrels, flying squirrels and ground squirrels. The most common squirrel in the Kansas City area is the gray squirrel, which is a tree squirrel.

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