Winterizing Your Lawn

In the Kansas City metropolitan area, having a beautiful lawn requires year-round work. The region’s hot, humid summers are followed by cool fall weather and harsh winter conditions. During the fall, the grasses in your yard are much weaker. Your lawn begins to prepare for winter when the temperatures begin falling. Winterizing your lawn during the fall is important to help the grasses become stronger and more tolerant.

Aerating your lawn

Aerating the soil in your lawn in the fall is important. This helps the ground from becoming too compact and assists with removing excessive thatch. Both of these actions can help more sunlight, air and fertilizer nutrients to penetrate into the ground so that the grass plant roots are nourished.

Fertilizing your lawn

As cooler weather begins, the grass plants start slowing their growth and storing sugars and other nutrients in preparation for the winter. This is the best time for you to winterize your lawn by fertilizing it. Fertilizing in the fall can help the plants to build their reserves so that your lawn will be healthier during the following summer. Making certain to use a fertilizer that contains potassium and nitrogen is essential.

Raking your lawn

You should remove any piles of lawn debris that you are unable to mulch back into your lawn. You can rake and bag the lawn debris or use an attachment for your lawn mower that helps to mulch the grass clippings and dead leaves for a light top coating. You do not want to have excessive amounts of lawn debris on the surface of your lawn, however. If you have too much debris, it can suffocate the grass plants underneath.

Avoid mowing your grass too short

When you mow your lawn for the last time of the year, don’t mow it too short. If you do, then the grass plants will lose the delicate top portions which help them to build up their stores of winter nutrients. Change the height of your blades before you mow, and leave the grass clippings on your lawn.

Contact Advantage

If you would like to learn more about how to prepare your lawn for the winter so that you can enjoy a beautiful lawn year-round, the lawn care professionals at Advantage are here to help. Contact Advantage Termite & Pest Control today to learn more about how to properly prepare your lawn for winter.

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