What to Do When You’re Dealing with Raccoons Near or Around Your Home

What to Do When You’re Dealing with Raccoons Near or Around Your Home

Raccoons may be cute on television or in the zoo, but they’re pests when they show up at your front door! They can also be a major menace. Raccoons can wreak havoc on your home and even spread diseases to you and your family.

Many homeowners in Kansas City have had problems with raccoons at one time or another. You can avoid this outcome if you know what to do when dealing with raccoons near or around your home.

Keep Trash Covered/Sealed

Firstly, keep any trash cans or receptacles covered and sealed. Lockable trash can lids are ideal for just this very reason.

While lockable trashcans can keep raccoons out, they may also prevent other pests from crawling inside and finding something to eat, like rats or mice. By keeping the trash cans covered or sealed, raccoons in your area will eventually learn that your home isn’t a great place to look for a snack even if they smell food in your nightly trash bag.

When You’re Dealing with Raccoons Near or Around Your Home: Keep Your Kids Safe From Diseases

Besides keeping your garbage covered there are other things you need to worry about around your home when it comes to raccoons. That sandbox your children love to play in is just a large litter box for these and other critters. Racoon droppings contain tiny roundworm eggs, an intestinal parasite, that can cause serious illness if swallowed or inhaled. Make sure to keep them covered when not in use.

Keep Them From Getting Inside Your Home

Take a walk around your property, look for any entry points that would allow critters access inside your home. Raccoons have sharp claws and can easily tear through shingles, soffits, roof decking, and vents to make their way inside your attic. Once inside they can ruin your insulation by making nests, destroying ductwork, chewing on electrical wiring, and spreading diseases with their feces and urine.

What to Do When You’re Dealing with Raccoons Near or Around Your Home: Contact Pest Control Experts

Raccoons can be aggressive, it’s best to leave it to the pest control experts like Advantage TPC when dealing with any type of wildlife removal.   As experienced pest control professionals for Kansas City homeowners like you, we’re the best choice if you want help with getting rid of raccoons and other critter infestations.

We’re skilled at wildlife removal and have years of experience handling Kansas City wildlife under their belt. When you give us a call, a fully licensed and highly trained technician will come to your property, give you an estimate, and handle raccoon problems to give you the peace of mind that you need.

Contact Advantage Termite & Pest Control today for more information.

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